Monday, June 30, 2008

End of month results/July Goals

So June started off with me wanting to become the greatest and only real HORSE HUSNG reg in the world.

That run ended, and i think its for the better. A good bit of self examination showed what i needed to be doing. SNGs hear i go!!!

Started playing the 3.40s on a short roll, ended up have nothing but 1200ish FPPs left, ran hot in 210 two table sats to the hundred grand and then ran hot in the 3.40s to end up winning 63 dollars total, not to mention the sats, so now my stars roll is at 113.86 American Dollars and Cents.

won 2 bucks in HUSNGs too.

July goals.

Make Silver Star while playing the 3.40s.
-this is a hard, but attainable goal. If i make it while playing at a 15% roi i will make around 340 dollars. Also i will end up with 1500 FPPs, thats seven 210 FPP sats to the hundred grand that i will get to play. Making silver star this month will mean that in August i could prolly make 3000 fpps :-)

Increase the number of tables i can play
-Not really shooting for X amount of tables, just what i can handle. I currently am 6 tabling in sets and continuous, so if i could make it to 7 or 8 i would be really happy.

-read threads on 2+2. I take for granted how much you can absorb just by reading threw treads, and it doesn't cost you ANYTHING! I also want to post more hands, and contribute more.

Thats about it. To play 750 i will have to play 24 sngs a day. I won't be playing on Sundays, so that pushes the number up even higher. I can get a good jump on the game over the long weekend for the 4th. There isn't much going on anyways, so i will knock out 200-300 in between Thursday and Saturday. That will keep me from having to play catch up later on in the month, and for me its much easier to keep going once i am ahead than to put in mega hours late in the month.

Best of luck to everyone else, and God Bless,

Friday, June 27, 2008

117 games played

just Sharkscoped my self for the month and after playing 117 games i am up 83 dollars and running at 16% ROI.

Pretty happy with that. When i first switched to sngs i went bit of a downer at the 3.40s, but now things are evening out. So thankful i didn't have to re load. Something about re loading that i don't like, and also its a lot of fun building a roll.

anyways i am 6 tabling now and things are going good. Tomorrow i am going to put a AHK script on this computer. With that i should be able to start 7 tabling which will help me gain FPPs a bit faster. Also i am going to try to make Silver Star next month, and being able to 7 table will really help me get there. At the 3.40s i will have to play 750 sngs to make it, so thats a pretty good chunk compared to my usual volume.

I think a key to my success on building a roll/winning at sngs is going to be the VIP program. Naturally i am a nit when it comes to losing, so the extra money made by the FPPs will offset downswings. Also i am in a pretty bad spot mentally to make money playing poker. Downswings bother me a lot, and winning doesn't really give me that much joy. I have won 500-1k pots in live cash games and use to play 50-200 dollar HUSNGs and stts 8-16 limit and 2-4 nl (all under crap BR managment), so the winning of money rush is gone. But i really enjoy the idea of moving my way up the VIP ladder. Sort of like a video game. So hopefully with the VIP program and the actual money won i will stay motivated to keep playing, and learning.

Anyways thats enough rambling for now. Plan on playing a good bit tomorrow, so i will give an update, along with my monthly results, and July Goals.

God Bless you guys,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Got tired

after i ate and got in a workout i loaded up some more games, but ended up just playing a set. I was tired, and on this short of a roll i really don't need to be goofing around much.

So thats about it. I spent Saturday going out to eat and watching a movie with my Mom, then Sunday was Church/Fathers day. So no games since Friday. I am not really feeling like playing today due to some life issues that popped up, but hopefully i can get in a set or two tomorrow. I think i am going to start loading 6 tables when i start instead of 5. I am having no trouble following the action at 5 unless i go on a sick heater and get to the bubble and further in 4 of the 5.

Regardless i need to be fairly aggressive with increasing tables. Once i get my roll big enough to play the 6.50s i really would like to have a decent $ per set average. I know everyone talks about their "Hourly" but i am going to be playing more sets that i am anything else, so it will be more motivating to know i am making 15+ dollars per set. Granted i am not going to go overboard with it and blow a hole in my ROI, but i am sure i have a 20+% roi at the 3.40s. Making it drop down to 10-15 a little bit until i learn and get use to playing more tables isn't that big of a deal to me. I would much rather learn and take the roi hit at the 3.40s then at the 16s like i have before.

so best of luck to all y'all and God Bless

Friday, June 13, 2008

longest sesh a while...

I loaded up 5 and drained the account down to pennies, ended up winning 2, and a second in one i think...

So after that i had enough to run continuous, so around 6:30 i started loaded and just ended. 3 hours strait isn't much to some, but online stts for 3 hours is a lot for my lazy body. Finished up with 70 dollars in the account. Ran pretty hot for sure. I tried 6 tabling cont. but it was going a bit fast and i am a bit tired. So dropped it down to 5 and things went great.

according to sharkscope i played 24 games with 59 dollars in profit, so thats a bit off. I figure i played 30 ish counting the first set of 5. either way things went well and i am happy about that.

Going to go workout and get some food, then i will be back at it later on tonight. Don't think i am going to get 100, but 50+ games and get the roll over a hundo would be neet.

God Bless,

friday friday

Friday is here and i gots a plan.

I am going to be spending tomorrow with my mom most of the day, so i want to get in some volume tonight. Friday evenings and Saturday are really the only times i can get in a lot of games :-( and i am going to be frowning even more if i end up playing 0 games tomorrow.

so...i am going to atempt to play 100 sngs today. This is massive volume for me, considering most months i never put in 100 sngs. I am going to have to learn to put in longer hours when i can due to my scedule. My big goal is to be able to 30 table in sets that way i could possibly get in 60-90 games during the week days. Otherwise there isn't much of a chance in me ever putting down 3k+ sngs per month.

So anyways i am going to give it a go. Running up my 16 dollars today is going to be gooooood goooood. NO RE-LOADO HERE

God Bless,

Monday, June 9, 2008


after going otm in 10 strait 3.40s my account was at 16c. So i found these 210fpp 2 table turbo sats and played some of them. Ran hot, winning seats in 2 out of 4 or so.

Anyways i think i have around 16 dollars between actual money and t dollars. So have one more set of 5 in me. If i do busto the account i will re load to 300 and proceeded to wreck the 3.40s while increasing the number of tables i can play. right now i 5-6 table in sets easily, so i think i am going to jump it to 7 soon.

God Bless,

Saturday, June 7, 2008

having fun with stts

well since my last blog i have played around 25ish stts and its been going good. I am prolly up 5-10 dollars.

Like i said its been good. I have been stacking my tables and doing my best not to look at results of all ins ect. I think that alone will help out with dealing with the ups and downs of poker. when i got to thinking about why i was looking at the results it brought a tiny "ahh" moment. I know all i can do is make the best decisions i can, but yet i still look. and it just gives me that little rush of winning or the bigger one of losing. All in all its a leak poker, and happiness ev and am going to do all i can to plug it.

For some reason i always liked playing 3.40s. even when i played the 16s i would sometimes load up a bunch of 3.40s and have fun killing 'em. This def. shows a trait i have as a person. Whether its video games, gambling games, or work, i enjoy a challenge, but not so hard that i end up getting creamed. When i am at work i love doing small task over and over. I get to "win" and win a lot. knowing this i think i need to tailor my poker playing to how i am. As boring at they sometimes can be, multi tabling low stakes stts is prolly the best bet for me.

so anyways i am running on stars with a 13 ish BI roll for the 3.40s and hope to run it up. If i go busto i will re-load 300 and play the 3.40s. Then move up to the 6.50s once i get the hang of stts again, and get the roll over 100 bi for them.

off to the tables...............

God Bless,


my number one leak by far is handling variance.

I am getting to think that i can't handle the mental side of HU play. Its not the money at all, just the way you get involved in HU. I could win 10 in a row, then lose 2 and i think i am the worst player on earth...and this is just at the 5 dollar level. I can't think of how i would feel if i was playing the 50s.

so anyways i think i am going to have to go back to 9 mans for my main game. I am pretty sure i can beat the 6.50 level right now, but my br is too small. Really i could just start playing them with the "rolled or busto" method, then reload if i go bust, but i don't think thats the best idea given my current losing at hu. So i will prolly just hit up the 2.25s on ftp or the 3.40s on stars. give them a run while i study up on my horse game.

anyways i hope to play the majority of the day so i will try to update tonight with how things are going.

God bless,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Plan

I haven't blogged on ages and there has been some reasons. I haven't had the time to play much ever since the internet went mega busto at the house. So that limits me to playing 1) after work 2) before work from 6am-7:45am. I can't play after work because i am a donk when i get tired. and getting up at 5 to drive into town is not that bad, but i don't think the games that i play will be running at that time...and gas would prolly cost more than i could make at this point in time.

So i try to get in some games when i can.

But i think we are getting the internet back out at the house. Apparently Hugues net offers satellite internet in my area so whee maybe being able to play more.


So for a bit of an update, and intro beings i plan on posting a link on 2+2. I really enjoy 2+2 but i don't contribute much, and maybe some 2+2ers will enjoy my ramblings. Also as is standard for micro players, i plan on playing bajillion dollar stakes and show my results/movement up in stakes.

So i'm Takeover_inc on 2+2 and FTP and eusdemanyob on stars. I currently have 131.70 on FTP and 50.96 on stars. For the majority of the time i play HORSE HUSNGs on FTP. I am at the 5.25 dollar level and hope to move up to the 10.25s when i have 20 bi.

I realize that this is a bit aggressive, but i have the ability to re load if i go busto. Actually i prolly should re load so i could play the 10.25s but i am a nit.

Why HORSE HU sngs?
I love heads up. i also love playing all the games. I tend to get bored with just one game so what i use to do was hop around a lot. That made me ok at lots of games and not very profitable at any game. So the horse husngs fit me pretty well. I also like that its fixed limit and 2/5 are split pot. This helps the variance a bit. Also husngs are pretty low variance anyways so that helps me out.

oh...i am variance wuss.

SO i aspire to move up the levels and increase my BR along the way. After the 10.25s i am going to go up to 30+ BI for each level and once i hit the 50+ dollar sngs i will prolly go higher. Once i get the roll and my skill level right i would love to just play the highest stakes hu horse sngs available (2k on FTP and 1k on stars i think)

So thats the story and thats the plan. I will try to update this as much as i can.

God bless,

ps, want a good laugh...look at my previous post. i had no clue.