Sunday, August 3, 2008


Sitting here and someone else is scurrying around my moms office, so i am not playing. Person just popped up and asked me what i do. I really need to stop telling people i play poker and just say "meh, just killing time, playing some games." I in no way think my playing poker is a negative, but it does make some people think your a degen. Also its hard to tell people about the game if they don't play. A few months ago i decided to stop mentioning my poker playing to most people in my life. It is pretty much -ev to do it. When i was playing the 16s before work, people would ask how i did and i would say...ehhh dropped 130 dollars. They are shocked, especially in a work place where most are making 50-60 dollars take home a day.

And i can feel where they are coming from. I find my self thinking that about high stakes players. When i read Raptor's blog i think "wow, why doesn't he just 12 table 5-10 like he mentions from time to time. 1k an hour????? why not???"

Poker is such an interesting game because it can mean so many things to so many people. Some can mass multi table the 16s and be happy as a lark. Others play nose bleed stakes and seem to hate poker. This is where i think it pays a lot to balanced as a player, and very self aware. Find that perfect spot for you. Always work on improving, and such, but there comes a point where you just need to enjoy making some money. Its not like poker is ending next year. You see guys in there 20s going up and down up and down the latter, and once they get to the top, they move to something else.

Its very clear that some people don't play poker for money, but more for a video game. They move up the ranks, and move from sngs, to cash, to mtts, ect ect all just so they can "make more money" but in reality they just get bored/wanna do something else. For move to cash from sngs after you spend years to make it to the 114+s??? How much money do you need???

I am being a bit ranty...but it seems so silly to me when people work so hard and then move on once they reach a level of profitability. I think its because i am not making big money from poker, and when i see people not taking advantage of what they already are good at it bothers me.

ramble rant over

The 6.50s have been pretty good so far. Not up much, but i feel very comfortable 6 tabling them. There are more people i see on all my tables, but they are nothing to be worried about. Plus all the randoms more than make up for it. I'm going to put in a good amount of games this week to get ahead of schedule for the 2k vpp goal. I found that taking a nap during my lunch break makes my afternoon seshs work out great. The feeling of being ahead of pace is so nice, and it affords me ability to slack off if i want too later.

That being said i have only played one HUSNG today :-( But i am really not feeling it. I hate it when i force my self to play when i really don't want to, then i lose.

On another side note, i need to buy a house in town. For a little background, i live in a county with 2500-3kish people, and i live a good 18 mins from town with my parents. There is no internet available except for sat an that has proved a bit sketchy for poker (but i think it had a lot to do with our provider) I am very much a homebody, and it brings up some problems.

For one, i would rather spend my time at home instead of my moms office. Its just weird hanging out here all the time. I put my self in the employs shoes, and it has to be odd seeing the owners kid lurking around on the computer 24-7. I know that and it does feel weird, but what can i do?

two, i could get in twice the volume if i had a house with internet. There is nothing better than waking up, getting some breakfast, tooling around a bit, then hopping back in bead and playing poker for a few hours on the laptop. One reason i don't get in much volume is the uncomfortable set up i have. If i could really get relaxed and not be moving around every hour, i would be much more inclined to play 3+ hours.

three, i would save around 200 dollars in gas if i lived in town.

four, geez kid your 23! GET OUT OF MAMA'S HOUSE!!! I really think i need to move out. Kids are not suppose to spend there whole lives living in their parents house. I feel like my relationships with everyone would improve a good bit if i lived else wear. I get along great with my family, but we are all getting older and its not like it use to be. There is an order when your kids, and now that we are older, everyone thinks their the boss. Which can start to rub you the wrong way.

so anyways i am going to start working very hard in order to build the money/find/buy a house in town. I don't need a big place, even a dump would be fine. Just something for right now that i could live in then sell or add on too later. Must grind!!!

that was ramble filled, but oh well.

God Bless,

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